The Campbell County Conservation District has numerous education opportunities that are available not only for schools; they can also be utilized by camps, after school or summer school programs, boy scouts, girl scouts, 4-H, and any other interested organization. The District has the Wyoming Ag in the Classroom Discovery Tool Chest with topics covering animal identification, grazing, birds, bugs, soil, fire, geology, trees, mapping, mammals, water quality, weeds, landscaping, and journaling. Along with the tool chests, we have many interactive educational activities that are designed to address Wyoming State Performance Standards. These activities include topics targeted towards agriculture, water, soil, and the environment. We are also certified to conduct any activity in the Project WET, WILD, WOW, and Project Learning Tree curriculum handbooks. Another great activity we take into the schools is our Enviroscape model. It is a plastic model (as you can see from the picture on the page) of a complete watershed to show examples of erosion, point source pollution, non-point source pollution, prevention measures and best management practices for all. Additionally, the model allows students to become familiar with watershed components and terminology. One of my favorite activities that we co-sponsor along with Weston County NRD, Niobrara Conservation District, Powder River Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service, WY Game and Fish Department and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture is the Black Hills Natural Resources Youth Camp (BHNRYC). BHNRYC has been designed to give young people the opportunity to experience the natural world and its resources through hands on activities that are demonstrated by natural resource professionals, all camp chaperones are background checked for the children’s safety. BHNRYC utilizes Mallow Camp, which is located in Weston County. The Camp is available for any 9-13 yr old child to attend; the cost per participant is $65.00. We statistically have about 100 attendees with about half of them from Campbell County. It is a great camp that the children really enjoy! If you would like to schedule a presentation or learn more about our education program please contact Crystal Kellebrew at (307) 682-1824 or [email protected]. |